Conferences and Workshops Mar 6 How Do We Ensure that Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) is Being Honored in the Co-Taught Classroom? (12:30-3:30 pm)
Conferences and Workshops Mar 6 Fostering a Culture that Includes ALL Students in an Inclusionary, Diverse and Equitable Setting Through Co-Teaching What are the Necessary Components to be Successful? (8:30-11:30 am)
Conferences and Workshops Mar 5 How Instructional Coaching and Data Analysis Can Help Teaching and Learning Get Better!
Conferences and Workshops Feb 7 K-12 Administrators and Counselors Working Together to Impact Student Achievement & Success
Conferences and Workshops Feb 5 A Realistic Look at Reducing Bullying and Social Conflicts in Schools
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Conferences and Workshops Jan 17 8th Annual MSAA/MIAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit "Leading with Courage"