NHS Committee Purpose
The purpose of the NHS Committee shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character and citizenship in the students of secondary schools in Massachusetts. The NHS Committee shall also act as an instrument to help local chapters implement a working philosophy based on that of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society by:
- Serving as an informational resource agency for all established chapters
- Bringing about better communication between association member chapters
- Providing workshops for member chapters
- Maintaining liaison with NASSP (parent organization for NHS and NJHS)
NHS/NJHS Spring Conference - Tuesday, April 8, 2025 College of the Holy Cross, Worcester
NHS Committee Members
John Quinn, MSAA Liaison
Starr Pinkos, Retired, State Coordinator
Stephanie Donahue, Retired, Regional Coordinator (North)
Rebecca Howe, Avon Middle-High School, Regional Coordinator (South)
Shannon Szymczyk, Smith Academy, Regional Coordinator (West)
Stephanie Rondeau, Murdock High School, Regional Coordinator (Central)
NHS 2023-2024 Award Winners
The MSAA would like to congratulate the National Honor Society Committee’s selection of award winners for 2023-24. The Student Award Winners, Advisers of the Year, Commended Chapter, and the Golden Torch Winner have met the highest standards in the areas of: Scholarship; Leadership; Character; and Service. Their contributions to their schools and community has been inspiring.
Massachusetts Student of the Year
Talia Rehill, Hoosac Valley High School
Central Region Student of the Year
Felix Marshall, JP Keefe Technical High School
South Region Student of the Year
Paige Parenteau, Attleboro High School
West Region Student of the Year
Naomi D'Souza, Chelmsford High School
Evrett Masters Adviser of the Year (NHS)
Shawn Turner
Evrett Masters Adviser of the Year (NJHS)
Bernadette Scichilone
Golden Torch Award
Bike Connector, Lowell, MA
Adopt-a-Charity Project
There is no official Adopt-A-Charity for 2024-2025, but we are asking chapters to conduct a collection of Personal Hygiene Products to donate to a local organization in their community.
Our committee is working on ways to celebrate through the MSAA the good works being done by NHS Chapters from all over the state. The MSAA will highlight them on our NHS website as well as other social media avenues we employ. The goal is to have every NHS Chapter in the state work to ease some of the burdens of their community members through their leadership, scholarship, service, and character.
To apply to nominate your project for Adopt-a-Charity, you can upload your photos, write-ups, or any other information about your service project through the link below: