Conferences and Workshops Jan 8 Components of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports and the Role of the Student Success Team (S.S.T.): How Do Both Structures Impact Teaching and Learning? (8:30-3:00pm)
Conferences and Workshops Jan 9 The Exclusive Melting Pot: Leveraging the Cultural Wealth of Black and Brown Students in Educational Settings
Conferences and Workshops Jan 10 Beyond Evaluation: Using the Danielson Group's Updated Framework for Teaching (FFT) to Develop Great Teachers
Conferences and Workshops Jan 15 Want the Biggest Impact on Student Achievement? Here’s the Secret… Collective Teacher Efficacy
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Conferences and Workshops Jan 17 8th Annual MSAA/MIAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit "Leading with Courage"
Conferences and Workshops Jan 22 How to Make Lessons Student-Centered by Including Different Models of Teaching and Different Principles of Learning