Massachusetts School Administrators' Association


The MSAA Office will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. The office will reopen Tuesday, September 3 at 8 a.m.

Using Data and Dashboards to Improve Equity and Outcomes

Using Data and Dashboards to Improve Equity and Outcomes

November 15th, 2024
8:30 am - 11:30 am

MSAA Professional Development Workshop for District Administrators

Using Data and Dashboards to Improve Equity and Outcomes 

The Massachusetts Education-to-Career Research and Data Hub (E2C Hub) is the state’s new resource for discovering longitudinal data on education and outcomes. Data and tools in the E2C Hub can help you compare programs, evaluate investments, and understand trends in your school or district and across the state.

 In this workshop, we'll tour some existing dashboards and data stories to quickly access and share insights with your educators, families, and communities. We’ll work collaboratively to identify and answer questions that can be informed by available data on enrollment, staffing, spending, assessments, courses, pathways, and postsecondary success. Then, we'll show you how to work with large multiyear datasets and connect them to Google Sheets for custom analysis and visualization.

Participants will:

  • Use the E2C Hub to find tools, dashboards, and datasets that can inform policies and practices 
  • Explore how to disaggregate data by student groups to identify opportunity gaps
  • Learn how to work with multiyear datasets to extract the information they need
  • Connect data to Google Sheets and build a visualization

When: Friday, November 15, 2024, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Delivery Method: In-Person Workshop

Location: The MSAA Office, 33 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA

Presenter: Sam Ribnick, DESE, Massachusetts

PD Hours: 3 in Content Area Leadership and Administration

Fees: Member $150 / Non-Member $205

MSAA Contact: Ethel Kawesa, 

Sam Ribnick | DESE, Massachusetts

Sam Ribnick is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Education-to-Career Research and Data Hub. He has over 10 years of experience as a consultant, working with school districts and state agencies on effective data use. As a Senior Director at District Management Council, Sam trained district leaders and boards on using data to evaluate the return on investment of programs. Sam previously taught physics in Boston Public Schools and worked at the Boston Consulting Group. Outside of work you can find Sam biking with his kids around Cambridge or cooking a new vegetarian dish.