Massachusetts School Administrators' Association


The MSAA Office will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. The office will reopen Tuesday, September 3 at 8 a.m.

The Need for Community within the School: Teacher Retention Strategies (12:30-3:30pm)

The Need for Community within the School: Teacher Retention Strategies (12:30-3:30pm)

November 20th, 2024
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

MSAA Professional Development Workshop for School Administrators

The Need for Community within the School: Teacher Retention Strategies  

Teachers are leaving the profession at staggering rates. To this point, a recent Ed Week interview with Chad Geston of Arizona Institute for Education and the Economy at Northern Arizona University explained that we are not currently projected to have enough educators to teach our nation’s children. Given this information, district leaders and community partners must begin to ask why teachers are leaving the education profession and how can we retain strong educators? To answer these questions, our study and presentation completes following:

1.    Reviews and discusses the literature as it pertains to interviews with educators who have recently left education and conducts an analysis of the reasons presented in the literature. 

2.    Discusses the literature on the human need for community and connection and compares these findings to the information found in the literature on why educators are leaving the profession.

3.     Presents possible solutions for teacher retention. These solutions are tied to the need for community within a school system.

Participants will be able to explain:

·         Possible reasons why educators are leaving the profession

·         The need to connect within the school community

·         Analyze their own school community for connections

·         Offer solutions for retaining teachers

When: Wednesday, November 20, 2024, from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Delivery Method: In-Person Workshop

Location: The MSAA Office, 33 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA

Presenters: Dr. Elvio Ferreira, Brockton Public Schools

                    Dr. Katie Warren, Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School

PD Hours: 3 in Content Area Leadership and Administration

Fees: Member $150 / Non-Member $205

MSAA Contact: Ethel Kawesa, 

Dr. Elvio Ferreira | Brockton Public Schools
Dr. Elvio Ferreira has been in education for over 20 years. Ferreira is currently the Director of Career and Technical Education at Brockton Public Schools. Prior to Brockton, Elvio was the Superintendent and Director of the Greater Fall River Vocational School District, he served 13 years at Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School including three as Superintendent. Elvio started at Diman in 2009 as the Dean of Students. He worked as the school’s academic coordinator, then vocational coordinator, then principal. He has been in education since 2000 and previously worked in Somerset, New Bedford, and the Dighton-Rehoboth School District.