Massachusetts School Administrators' Association


The MSAA Office will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. The office will reopen Tuesday, September 3 at 8 a.m.

Mending Education: How the Pandemic Created Positives

Mending Education: How the Pandemic Created Positives

December 5th, 2024
8:30 am - 11:30 am

MSAA Professional Development Workshop for Educators at All Levels

Mending Education: 
 How the Pandemic Created Positives

This workshop will focus on a new book Karen Gross co-authored with Dr. K.S. Wang titled Mending Education: Finding Hope, Creativity and Mental Wellness in Times of Trauma (Teachers College Press Sept. 2024). 

Part One of this book focuses on how a crisis creates opportunity and educators, with and without intention, deployed what we term “Pandemic Positives” in various educational settings. Understanding their creation enables us to see their value in the near and longer term within education.
Part Two details the educational “Pandemic Positives” that occurred during the pandemic. Attention will be paid to how these positives can be utilized in real time after the pandemic has waned. Concrete examples are key.
Part Three examines how to enable the “Pandemic Positives” to have stickiness and become game changers. Attention is paid to micro, meso, and macro changes within educational institutions. We tend to discard positives but there is real value in retaining them.

This workshop will focus on usable takeaways that participants can employ in their schools. There will be demonstrations and dialogue as to ensure engagement.

Participants will:

·         Understand how a crisis creates opportunity

·         Gain concrete examples of “Pandemic Positives” that can be used immediately 

·         Develop strategies that enable "Pandemic Positives" to have stickiness and improve educational success academically and psycho socially

·         Learn how to prepare for future crises, whether a natural disaster, a pandemic or other negative event

When: Thursday, December 5, 2024, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Delivery Method: In-Person Workshop

Location: The MSAA Office, 33 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA

Presenters: Karen Gross, Author, Rutgers School of Social Work

                    Dr. Edward K. S. Wang, Harvard Medical School, Psychiatry Department

PD Hours: 3 in Content Area Leadership and Administration

Fees: Member $150 / Non-Member $205

MSAA Contact: Ethel Kawesa, 

Karen Gross | Rutgers School of Social Work

Karen Gross is an educator, author, and artist. A former college president and senior policy advisor within the US Department of Education during the Obama Administration, she works with schools and colleges to improve student success academically and psychosocially. Karen has written award winning adult and children’s books and often blogs on current educational issues. Her artwork has been shown in brick-and-mortar galleries and schools and in online exhibitions. Karen teaches in various settings including as a continuing education instructor at Rutgers School of Social Work. 
Visit her website at: