Massachusetts School Administrators' Association


The MSAA Office will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. The office will reopen Tuesday, September 3 at 8 a.m.

A Community of Caring: Nurturing a Sense of Belonging

A Community of Caring: Nurturing a Sense of Belonging

November 6th, 2024
8:30 am - 11:30 am

MSAA Professional Development Workshop for PreK-12 Teachers, Administrators, 
 Co-Teaching Teams, School Leaders, Evaluation Team Leaders, and Department Chairs

A Community of Caring: 
 Nurturing a Sense of Belonging  

Staff and students' sense of belonging is a critical condition for academic success. Staff and students who feel a sense of belonging "feel socially connected, supported, and respected." They trust their teachers and their peers, and they "feel a sense of fit at school" due to efforts at the school level to promote a safe and supportive learning environment. To engage with students as authentic partners, we must approach engagement with a focus on equity. This means a) establishing meaningful engagement activities and systems that do not characterize or treat specific groups as deficient in their level of engagement or approach to education and b) acknowledging and navigating cultural differences through communication, humility, and sensitivity.

Participants will:

·         Create a culture (small or large) of caring where vulnerability, risk taking, and question seeking is welcomed

·         Select small, easy to implement strategies to help school staff/students feel more cared for in their community

·         Explain the benefits of positive relationships in a school community, both for the adults and students

·         Consider the ways physical environments can promote or inhibit a student’s sense of belonging

·         Practice examining a classroom environment with a lens towards belonging

·         Conduct a data analysis and action plan that addresses identified areas of growth

When: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am

Delivery Method: In-Person Workshop

Location: The MSAA Office, 33 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA

Presenter: Christopher Dodge, Seaside Educational Consultants

PD Hours: 3 in Content Area Safe and Supportive Learning Environments

Fees: Member $150 / Non-Member $205

MSAA Contact: Ethel Kawesa, 

Christopher Dodge | Seaside Educational Consultants

Christopher began his career as an elementary math instructor where his passion as an inclusive math educator followed his career to his present position as an elementary Principal of the Thorndyke Road Elementary School in Worcester. He previously held the position of Principal of the Fisher Hill School and the Dexter Park Innovation School in Orange, Massachusetts. Under his leadership the Dexter Park Innovation School moved to an all-inclusion school and was designated as an Innovation School servicing students through a co-teaching model of instruction. He presented his work at the National Association for Elementary School Principals (NAESP) summer conference. Christopher understands the challenges school leaders face today. He is excited to work with educators leading with care, compassion, and collaboration where all stakeholders have a voice in their school community. 

Christopher is a connected educator who uses social media as an ongoing, personalized professional development. He moderates the monthly #MSAAChat. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram @PrincipalDodge1, Voxer@cdodge33 and read his blog: